Healthy Weight and Healthy Living Lesson Series
If you are around middle-age seeing your body weight and waistline steadily increasing over the years, you may have tried a couple of dieting strategies hoping to shed the extra lbs. However, many ended up with even greater body weight than before. You are not alone here.
As frustrating as it could be, you may still wonder if there are any effective ways to reverse the fat accumulation in the long term. There are healthy ways/foods that can help you achieve your healthy body weight and improve your overall health. It does require your determination and efforts to make it happen.
The Healthy Weight and Healthy Living lesson series would include 8 lessons offered over Zoom. This lesson series would teach the whys and hows, which are the essentials for you to understand to achieve and maintain effective weight loss in a healthy way. The lessons will include the following topics: Basic Concepts about Weight Management; Healthy Eating Habits; Physical Activity and Bone Health; Healthy Foods for Glucose, Lipids and Weight Control; Healthy Foods for Stress Reduction and Good Night Sleep; Healthy Foods for Cognition and Vision; Healthy Foods for Immune Function; and Final Notes and Specific Discussions per your specific need.
If you would like to learn how to keep a healthy weight that can lead to healthy living and help you stay younger, register for the class by filling out the registration form below. If any questions, you can contact us via email.